Ongoing Projects

  • Spring Fundraiser for 2023-2024


    Plant Sale, Saturday, April 29, 2023, Lookout Mountain, GA City Hall, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. A variety of plants donated and propagated by club members such as day lilies, hostas, succulents, perennials (pollinator plants), herbs and house plants will be for sale. Club- created yard art made of natural materials.

    Penny Simmons, Glenda Warren

  • Fairyland Elementary Pollinator Garden

    Work with students to educate, design and plant the pollinator garden for their school.

    Community Impact:
    Supports and increases local pollinators by providing nectar and host plants, inspires children to garden for pollinators at home and in their community.
    Location: 1306 Lula Lake Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750

    Ann Brown, Vanessa Cullars, Lizzie Caldwell, Michelle Warren

    Members: Members as needed

    Dates: Fall Planting TBA

  • Honoring Blue Star and Gold Star Memorials

    Place a wreath/ribbons on the Memorials for special days. Maintain as needed.

    Community Impact:
    Recognition of the sacrifice by families that have defended our country and a symbolic reminder that freedom is not free.

    Blue Star at corner of Scenic Highway and Buck Stamps Place, Lookout Mountain, Tn 37350 and Blue and Gold Star at corner of Lula Lake Road and Red Riding Hood, Lookout Mountain, Ga 30750

    Pamala Thompson, Candace Wells; Gwynn Collins, Lyndia Crotteau, Sharon Gadd, Chrisi Hopper, Kyoung-Hee Jeong, Marsha Yessick

    Additional members requested as needed

    Dates: Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veterans Day

  • Literature Donation to Fairyland Elementary School

    Provide several gardening/nature books for students and teachers.

    Community Impact:
    Encourages students and teachers to experience all the great benefits of gardening and being outdoors.

    Fairyland Elementary, 1306 Lula Lake Road, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750

    Anne-Elizabeth Youmans, Stephanie Chandler, Diane Reed, Valerie Tipps

    Depending on needs, donations welcome

    Dates: Fall Planting TBA

  • National Garden Week on Lookout Mountain


    Members design and deliver floral arrangements, compliments of LMBGC, to various locations for public enjoyment.

    Community Impact:

    Public appreciation of beautiful summer flowers and their fragrances lift spirits, make people happy and inspires the gardener in all of us.

    Designated municipal and local businesses

    Fayla Daniel, Katie Osborne, Sara Richelson

    All members encouraged to make floral designs for display

    Dates: First full week of June

  • Plant America Pollinator Garden at the Commons' Terraces

    Maintaining established gardens for pollinators and wildlife. Achieve Monarch Waystation and Wildlife Habitat Certification.

    Community Impact:
    Supports endangered Monarchs and pollinators, promotes pollinator awareness, educates community, supports being a Bee City USA.

    Lookout Mountain, Georgia and Tennessee

    Valarie Adams, Ann Brown,Sue Chamberlain, Vanessa Cullars, Evelyn Sizemore, Michelle Warren

    All members encouraged to help with planting and labeling

    April Planting TBA and monthly maintenance

  • Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute Annual Clothing Drive

    Donations of warm clothing for patients of all ages at the hospital.

    Community impact:
    Residents receive warm clothing and know that others care about them.

    100 Moccasin Bend Road, Chattanooga, TN 37405.

    Sue Chamberlain, Jo Grant, Crissy Warren, Candace Wells

    All members encouraged to donate clothing, money or goods

    October - December

  • Garden Therapy at Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute

    Members educate and share the healing benefits of gardening with staff and patients by providing seasonal edible plantings for them to care for outside. Also provide seasonal indoor plants.

    Community Impact:
    Improve the well-being of mind, body and soul for all thru gardening.

    100 Moccasin Bend Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37405.

    Sue Chamberlain, Lyndia Crotteau, Eleanor Goodson, Lindy Jackson, Eve Soltau, Wendy Williams

    Members assist as needed

    Spring and Fall

  • Garden Maintenance at Memorial Park

    Provide maintenance and planting as needed

    Community Impact:
    Beautification of Town Commons for all to enjoy and appreciate.

    Intersection of Scenic Highway and Buck Stamps. LMBGC sign

    Vanessa Cullars, Michelle Warren; Ann Brown, Sue Chamberlain, Evelyn Sizemore, Roses Taylor

    As needed

    Spring and Fall Clean-Up dates TBA