Corinne Dodds Sanders 1852-1929

A Remarkable Woman Ahead of Her Time

Something about the beauty of Lookout Mountain, inspires women to discover and become their best selves and there is no better example of this magic than the life of our founder,
Mrs. Corinne Dodds Sanders, married to US Senator Newell Sanders, and herself a direct descendant of Davy Crockett.

College Graduate, Wife, Mother, Partner
Corinne Dodd and Newell Sanders met at Indiana State University where they were members of the school's first co-ed class. Both graduated in 1873 with a Bachelor of Science degree and soon became married. Corinne and Newell, along with their six children, moved to Chattanooga during the 1878 yellow fever pandemic to start the Chattanooga Plow Co. Three of the five founders died of yellow fever but, gratefully, Corinne's family survived. The Sanders' family later founded the Sanders Plow Co. and the Chattanooga Steamboat Co. Newell became a Tennessee State Senator in 1912.

Volunteer, Organizer, Pioneer, World Traveler
The couple built a home, "Sanders Outlook," on the east brow of Lookout Mountain next to the Lookout Mountain Incline and Corinne lost no time in becoming part of the thriving community. She organized, in 1912, the Lookout Mountain Beautiful Garden Club with a group of likeminded women to improve the beauty of the roads and parks of the mountain. In 1918, LMBGC joined Chattanooga Council of Garden Clubs, in 1925 the club produced its first yearbook and in 1929 joined the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs. During WWI, she made her home the group's headquarters for Red Cross volunteer work and in 1918, Mrs. Corinne Dodds Sanders became the frrst woman in the South to cast a ballot! Towards the end of her life, she enjoyed traveling the world with her husband and at age 77 passed away, in 1929. She is buried at Forest Hills Cemetery.

Today, Lookout Mountain Beautiful Garden Club is over 112+ years old and Corinne Dodds Sanders' legacy continues. Remarkable women, past and present, of all ages still lead and make a difference in Lookout Mountain's community and our love of home, friendships, service, conservation and beautification will continue to move us forward through another century.