
The Lookout Mountain Beautiful Garden Club is a diverse group of women who care about their community and enjoy working together to make things happen! We are a mix of active and dynamic members who are parents and grandparents, empty nesters and singles. We are artists and designers, master gardeners and novice gardeners, conservationists, community and school volunteers, entrepreneurs, professionals, world travelers, and more.

Members Share:

  • A love to learn gardening and all that it encompasses

  • An interest in conservation, the protection of our natural resources, native plants and wildlife

  • A desire to contribute to and beautify the Lookout Mountain Community

  • Pride in our club and its 112+ year history in the Lookout Mountain Community

Club Activities:

  • Monthly meetings featuring guest speakers, lunch, and fellowship

  • Preservation of Fairy Trail Park, Memorial Park & Plant America Terrace

  • Charitable involvement with Moccasin Bend Therapy Garden

  • Raising funds for worthy Community Garden Projects

  • Educating elementary school children about nature and gardening

  • Workshops on conservation, horticulture and designs

  • Visiting Gardens

  • Attend Classes/Camps in affiliation with National Garden Clubs, etc.

Care for Creation

Nurturing the World Around Us


President- Ann Brown

Co-First Vice Presidents- Kyoung-Hee Jeong & Valarie Adams

Co-Second Vice Presidents- Melanie Riddle & Penny Simmons

Third Vice President- Vanessa Cullars

Recording Secretary- Glenda Warren

Corresponding Secretary- Jo Grant

Treasurer- Stephanie Chandler

Chaplin- Candace Wells

Co-Parliamentarians- Dowling King & Anne-Elizabeth Youmans

Auditor- Evelyn Sizemore


Ann Brown

Stephanie Chandler

Membership Committee
Vanessa Cullars

Lyndia Crotteau
Lilli Meier

Publicity/Social Media
Sue Chamberlain

Website Committee
Penny Simmons
Sue Chamberlain

Special Events
Ann Brown

Sunshine Committee
Chrisi Hopper
Toni Wardell

Michelle Warren
Crissy Warren

Yearbook Committee
Valerie Adams
Kyoung-Hee Jeong

Bees, Birds & Wildflowers
Ann Brown

Conservation & Ecology
Ann Brown

Flower Committee
Penny Simmons

Horticulture, Trees & Shrubs
Lynn Hartman


Lookout Mountain Beautiful Garden Club Awards 2023

LMBGC received 30 Awards from the National Garden Clubs Inc, Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, TFGC District III and the Deep South Garden Club, Inc.

National Garden Clubs Inc. awarded LMBGC
”Certificate fo Merit” and $100 for EC-4 Water - RainSmart Yards
”Certificate of Commendation” EC-3 Wildlife Survival - Plant America Pollinator Terraces
Three ”Certificate of Appreciation” YW-9 Environmental Education Project with Youth:
The Pollinator Festival, The Native Plant Sale and Children’s Pollinator Education Project
NGC - Jessie M. Conner Scholarship recipient: Sam Laws

LMBGC was named a “Club of Excellence”
by TFGC District III and the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs and
received a “Certificate of Appreciation” for our support of Ivan Racheff House and Gardens.

Twelve first-place awards in the following areas:
Gold Star Families Memorial Marker
Environmental Education
Club Programs
Conservation, 6A
Conservation, 6B
Juanita Allinder Pollinator Award, 35 A1; Juanita Allinder Pollinator Award, 35B1
Conservation Field Project
Public Relations
Six second-place awards in the following areas:
Audio Program, Sue Chamberlain
Public Relations
Environmental Education
Two third-place awards in the following areas:
Promotion of Garden /Youth
Public Relations

Congratulations to all for your hard work throughout the year! A very special “Thank You” to the Awards Committee: Anne-Elizabeth Youmans, Dowling King, Ann Brown and Candace Wells.  Your time and dedication to the award/grant application process and showcasing our members’ efforts is greatly appreciated.